Monday, June 21, 2010

Protect your WiFi

WiFi made life perfect. No wires and Internet every where in the house, but you have to keep it safe. i know a lot about security and i am trying to work in this field. a few days ago i was just war driving in my apartment (shouldn't be called war driving as its not in a car, but its the same thing :) ) and i found unprotected WiFi network and i was like... mhmmmmmmm maybe he got his router set to not accepting new connections. so i tried to connect and it surprised me i connected with no problem.. and i was able to find his phone number and everything that his ADSL provider has. i emailed him and told him about it and how he should protect his WiFi network.

if you are using Ubuntu or any linux os i think you might already know about security and how to keep your WiFi safe, but i will talk about the basics of how to keep your WiFi safe.

there are different types of protections which is WEP, WPA, and WPA2 and WEP is the weakest and WPA2 is the best. however they are all crackable and if someone have the knowledge and softwares, he will be able to crack the network and find out your password. WEP the the easiest to crack so you shouldn't use it and i recommend WPA2. most routers will have a default password.. CHANGE it to something else. Use longer passwords and write it down on a paper. DO NOT use common passwords like Admin, Password, 1234 ..... you get the idea.

over all if you want a safe WiFi there is a lot to do and you router have a lot to set to keep it more secure, but don't play with anything if you are not sure. if you want a protected Internet connection, use wires :)  

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Google Command Line

Great news for all Terminal lovers out there.. Googlecl which makes you use google services via the terminal or any command line.

They currently support :-

  • Blogger
  • $ google blogger post --title "foo" "command line posting"
  • Calendar
  • $ google calendar add "Lunch with Jim at noon tomorrow"
  • Contacts
  • $ google contacts list name,email > contacts.csv
  • Docs
  • $ google docs edit --title "Shopping list"
  • Picasa
  • $ google picasa create --album "Cat Photos" ~/photos/cats/*.jpg
  • Youtube
  • $ google youtube post --category Education killer_robots.avi
 and you can check all the example scripts here


you can download the .tar.gz or the .deb from here

and here is how you can setup it if you download the .tar.gz version for example if you download it to your Downloads folder :-

cd "~/Downloads/gdata-2.0.10/"
sudo python install
cd "~/Downloads/googlecl-0.9.5/"
sudo python install

Friday, June 18, 2010

Chromium is the new Firefox

We all remember when Firefox first appeared. It was the perfect web browser sending Internet explorer to the trash. It was fast, Beautiful, Powerful, and Supports plugins and add-ons.

It has been almost 2 months of using Chromium on Ubuntu for me and I Love it. Its way faster than Firefox (starting and browsing) It looks nice and more organized out of the box and its very stable. I remember trying to make my Firefox to look the way i wanted. I wanted more space and a nice simple look. I spent too long trying to do so and then i decided to give Chromium a try and it looked just the way I was trying to get Firefox to look.

My Firefox after customizing it.


Starting Time
It takes Firefox about 6 to 8 seconds to open on my laptop. Chromium takes less than 2 seconds.

Downloading system
I must say that Chromium has much more sexy download system. Nothing pops up like Firefox and you can see all you downloads in a new tab or by default in the status bar area (Chromium has no status bar).

Chromium downloading bar.

You have to give Chromium a try and make your mind, but i can guarantee you that you will like it.
Chromium is the new Firefox.

How to get it
Its super easy. Just go to and Download it. 32 or 64 bit .deb just download and install it. Ubuntu + Chromium Rocks ;)

Hack It Ubuntu

Hello Ubuntu Lovers out there.

I wanted to start this Blog to help enriching the Ubuntu Community out there. I will be talking about thoughts and stuff, Doing tutorials, and Help you get the most out of your Ubuntu.

I hope that this blog help you and become helpful over the time.